January 28, 2025
1200 PM PST
Jack Kolk, a Cyber AB Registered Practitioner and CISSP, CSSLP, will discuss the CMMC Final Rule and it’s impact on small DoD contractors. The first step is to self assess your compliance with FAR or DFARS. For FAR there are 17 requirements and for DFARS there are 128 NIST Safeguards. Next step is to update your post on the new SPRS version 4.02 Finally update your SPRS posting and wait for an assessment. We will demonstrate how the Jumpstart and ACRMS DIY programs deliver a cost effective and simple process for completing a FAR assessment, an inexpensive upgrade to DFARS, and a further upgrade to CMMC. One Path to take you from the minimum cybersecurity requirements all the way to CMMC.
The Presenters will be Jack Kolk, CISSP and CSSLP, President of ACR2 Solutions and Jack Anderson, CMO of Compliance Helper Jack Kolk has more than 25 years of executive management experience in technical sales, product marketing and management in technology companies. He holds CISSP and CSSLP certifications and is a regular speaker on issues regarding privacy, security and how to meet regulatory compliance requirements.
Jack Anderson is a pioneer in Software as a Service in healthcare and transitioned to compliance and accreditation in 2001. He was a founder of Accreditation Helper and Compliance Helper in 2007.
There will be a Q&A session at the end of formal presentations.