58% of Healthcare Organizations on NIST CSF

November 7, 2019

Covered Entities are on NIST CSF; You Must Be Too
According to the 2018 HIMSS Cybersecurity Survey, nearly 58% of healthcare organizations are using the NIST CSF.

When these organizations ask for proof of HIPAA compliance, a Certified NIST CSF Risk Assessment is going to be the most credible response.

Large healthcare organizations pay consultants huge fees to implement the NIST CSF, but what about smaller organizations that have neither the staff nor the budget for implementing the NIST CSF? Automation and the Internet provides the answer.

Automated Compliance Reporting was developed in 2007 by ACR2 Solutions and has been used in industry to support the NIST CSF.
An automated on-line program for managing the process of editing, adopting, and implementing HIPAA policies and procedures was developed by Compliance Helper in 2009. Their Compliance Meter® was an early method of demonstrating HIPAA compliance.

Jumpstart is an automated on-line tool that integrates the policy tools of Compliance Helper with the NIST CSF Risk Assessment tools of ACR2.
For an annual cost of a few thousand dollars a small organization can provide HIPAA proof on the NIST CSF.

Go to www.compliancehelper.com and watch the videos to see why you need to be on the NIST CSF and how you can get there with Jumpstart.

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